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Quick guides in English and other languages

Banking the easy way 

Quick guides in English and other languages

Banking the easy way 

You can find all the important information, tips and quick guides for online banking in your internet branch and mobile banking using the Sparkasse app here.

Online Banking

Quick guides in English


Online banking in the internet branch

The quick guides explain the important online banking services in the internet branch step by step.

pushTAN: Activation in the internet branch  Open the quick guide
pushTAN: Bank transfers in the internet branch Open the quick quide
chipTAN: Unlocking in the online branch (first time use) Open the quick guide
chipTAN: Bank transfers in the internet branch Open the quick guide
Account alarm: Configure in just a few steps Open the quick quide
Electronic mailbox: Enable accounts and contracts in the ePostbox Open the quick guide
Mobile banking

Mobile banking with the Sparkasse app

The quick guides explain the important online banking functions using the Sparkasse app step by step.

Sparkasse app: Initial setup and options Open the quick guide
Sparkasse app: pushTAN integration in the Sparkasse App Open the quick guide
Sparkasse app: Making a bank transfer using pushTAN Open the quick guide
Sparkasse app: Change verification process Open the quick guide 
Sparkasse app: Adding accounts Open the quick guide


Transferring money at the Service Terminal Open the quick guide
Your next step

Our advisers are always at hand and happy to provide you with more information on online banking and the different security procedures. Allowing you to choose whatever best suits your needs.

Other languages

Other languages

Arabisch / عربى

pushTAN Ersteinrichtung / PushTAN الإعداد الأولي عرض التعليمات
App Ersteinrichtung / App الإعداد الأولي عرض التعليمات
App Überweisung / نقل التطبيق عرض التعليمات

Russisch / Русский

pushTAN Ersteinrichtung / pushTAN: первоначальная настройка просмотреть инструкции
App Ersteinrichtung / Приложение Sparkasse: первоначальнаянастройка и функции просмотреть инструкции
App Überweisung / Приложение Sparkasse: перевод с помощью pushTAN просмотреть инструкции

Türkisch / Türkçe

pushTAN Ersteinrichtung / pushTAN: İlkkurulum Talimatları görüntüle
App Ersteinrichtung / App Sparkasse: Kurulum ve işlevler Talimatları görüntüle
App Überweisung / Sparkasse app: pushTAN ile havale işlemi Talimatları görüntüle

Ukrainisch / українська

pushTAN Ersteinrichtung / pushTAN: початкове налаштування переглянути інструкції
App Ersteinrichtung / App Sparkasse: первинна установка та функції переглянути інструкції
App Überweisung / Додаток Sparkasse: здійснюйте переказиза допомогою pushTAN переглянути інструкції